Wild at heart: Life in Alaska.

Surrounded by surreal environment, rich culture, and unique industry, from these do my inspirations originate.

  • Aurora Borealis

    The northern lights shine bright over Alaskan night skies, always dancing, always inspiring those who dare to chase them. They warm the cold winter nights, and remind me to be persistent like they are— forever dancing, regardless of who is watching.

  • Aviation

    Aviation is essential in Alaska. Due to the vast and rugged terrain, many places are only accessible by airplane, or helicopter. I’ve chosen Alaska as my home due to the over-whelming aviation opportunities, and deep rooted familial bonds to the aviation industry.

  • Exploration

    My journey in Alaska began in the commercial fishing industry. In my off hours, I elected to explore and photograph the rich history remaining on the beach in Bristol Bay. I continue today photographing the rich history of Alaska, enamored by the old Alaskan lifestyle.